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Register for Equitable Access to Care Town Hall

The Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy invites you to a virtual town hall on Thursday, May 5, 2022 from 11:00am - 1:00pm ET. During the town hall, Duke researchers will share results from a study on telehealth use and access to health care for people with Medicaid insurance in North Carolina. The town hall will include experiences accessing and delivering care via telehealth from patients and health care providers. Town hall attendees will be invited to share their thoughts on how to use this research to inform policy change and design community-specific solutions to help reduce health inequities and improve health outcomes for people enrolled in Medicaid.

  • Session 1: Duke researchers will describe health care use for adults and youth enrolled in Medicaid who are living with behavioral health (e.g., mental illness or substance use) or musculoskeletal disorders (e.g., back pain) and discuss challenges and opportunities for equitable access to care across North Carolina.
  • Session 2: Invited panelists from state agencies, health care provider groups, and community organizations will discuss the meaning of this research for clinical, payment, and regulatory policies that will support equitable access to care for all people enrolled in Medicaid.

This project was funded by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust.

Learn more about the event and register here