The workshop series is open to the Duke community, particularly to staff interested in increasing skill and workplace culture in their departments. This year, each workshop will be held in person at Smith Warehouse, Bay 6, B271. Directions, parking, and other logistical information may be found hereRegistration is required for each session. Please see each workshop description below to register.

2025 Workshop Series

Jump to a workshop:

Discrimination & Harassment PreventionGenerational DifferencesEquitable Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention • Engaging Across Difference • LGBTQIA+ Foundations • Recognizing and Interrupting Ableism • Restorative Justice and Other Restoration PracticesCulture and Communication • Foundational ConceptsWorkforce Wellbeing • Interrupting Racial Inequity Part I • Interrupting Racial Inequity Part II • Organizational Wellness Series • Supervisor Series

Discrimination and Harassment Prevention

This interactive session focuses on institutional compliance, including strategies to support alignment with the provisions of the Duke Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct (the Policy). Participants will have an opportunity to delve more deeply into the Policy, its procedures and its reporting obligations. Participants will receive relevant information about the Policy’s scope, what are various types of prohibited conduct, how to recognize conduct that might implicate the Policy, prohibited retaliation, reporting obligations and how to encourage a work and/or learning environment that aligns with the Policy. The workshop will also include an overview of the various complaint handling procedures.

Participants will:

  • Engage in real life scenarios.
  • Engage in opportunities for real time responses to Policy-related situations and/or video content.
  • Receive material designed to equip them with the knowledge to utilize resources (such as OIE).
  • Learn techniques to initially respond to reported concerns or conduct in an appropriate manner.

Facilitated by: Kimberly Hewitt, J.D., Vice President for Institutional Equity & Cynthia Clinton, J.D., Associate Vice President for Harassment & Discrimination Prevention

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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This session will cover general information about generational difference. Participants will learn about the general characteristics attributed to generations/age groups and how they may impact workplace engagement. Particular attention will be devoted to more recent generational and workplace developments related to changes in technology, access, values, and skills. Participants will engage in activities that will help them develop capacity for identifying generation related assumptions and expectations, build skills for addressing generational differences that cause concern or conflict, and examine strategies for creating more inclusive and effective intergenerational workplaces.

Facilitated by: Elizabeth Jones, Ph.D., Director for Education and Outreach & Genevieve Barnes, Assistant Director for Education and Outreach

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Equitable Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention

This workshop engages with search practices, including search committees on equitable practices throughout the search process. Participants will be better equipped to proactively implement beneficial strategies pertaining to:

  • Recruiting a candidate pool
  • Assessing positive and negative biases
  • Understanding Duke resources
  • Incorporating equitable evaluation measures
  • Exploring best practices that are congruous with departmental and institutional priorities

The topics and techniques covered in this workshop are beneficial for those tasked with making recruitment, selection, and retention decisions.

Facilitated by: Elizabeth Jones, Ph.D., Director for Education and Outreach & Grant Scoggins, Senior Employment Equity Analyst

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Engaging Across Difference: Dialogue and Coalition Building Frameworks

Effective communication is key when tackling complex issues, especially when people do not share similar perspectives or experiences. This session focuses on the exploration of one dialogue model for effectively engaging with people or groups who hold opposing views about critical topics. Participants will practice components of this dialogue model in order to advance skills in complex dialogue situations. This model focuses on dialogue distinct from debate and/or consensus building. However, participants should leave with an understanding of how effective dialogue contributes to community building.

Facilitated by: Leigh-Anne Royster, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Strategy and Education Development & Elizabeth Jones, Ph.D., Director for Education and Outreach

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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LGBTQIA+ Foundations: Awareness, Inclusion, Workplace Considerations

This session will offer general information about considerations for how gender and sexuality show up in everyday workplace practices. Participants will receive foundational terminology related to various aspects of the LGBTQIA+ community as well as how to navigate workplace inclusion considerations. Participants will engage with interactive work around creating inclusive and equitable environments specifically related to diversity in sexuality and gender identity.

Facilitated by: Elizabeth Jones, Ph.D., Director for Education and Outreach

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Recognizing and interrupting ableism

This session will cover the foundational concepts of ableism. Ableism is the structural oppression of groups and individuals based on ability and/or disability. This session will discuss how ableism exists as a system and manifests in the workplace. This includes attention to disability history, physical disability, neurodiversity, increasing access, and more. Participants will engage activities to deepen their knowledge about disability, ableism and approaches to disrupting structural barriers that persist to exclude groups based on ability.

Facilitated by: Elizabeth Jones, Ph.D., Director for Education and Outreach

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Restorative Justice and Other Restoration Practices: The basics

Restorative justice (RJ) is an approach to community building rooted in native American practices of community integration and healing. Restorative justice and other restorative practices can be integral in recovering from crisis, community harm and/or social injustice. This model involves harmed communities and sometimes integrates those who have harmed within the community. This workshop will give and overview of RJ principles and practices that contribute to healing from trauma and community harm. In addition, this session will provide examples of how this approach has been effectively utilized in clinical settings, the classroom and community-based research. 

Facilitated by: Leigh-Anne Royster, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Strategy and Education Development

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Culture and Communication: Perception, Understanding, and Connection

This session will help participants engage across difference by learning about ways in which our culture(s) inform our understanding of ourselves and each other, as well as how to improve our intercultural communication. This interactive session includes opportunities for individual exploration and relational skill building. Participants will be invited to think about how each of us forms our understandings, and how we can understand how others do as well. With increased understanding, participants will be invited to practice communication strategies to be thoughtful and effective in their interactions and relationships in the workplace.  Participants should be prepared to engage in discussion in this session.

Facilitated by: Leigh-Anne Royster, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Strategy and Education Development & Elizabeth Jones, Ph.D., Director for Education and Outreach

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Foundational Concepts: Building Blocks for Creating Equity and Inclusion in your Work

This session explores foundational concepts related to building and sustaining an inclusive and equitable work environment. Participants will discuss principles that support equity, inclusion and related concepts, as well as those that can undermine efforts. This introductory session focuses on awareness building. Participants will also have an opportunity to develop goals and action steps for applying these principles to their daily work.

Facilitated by: Leigh-Anne Royster, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Strategy and Education Development

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Workforce Wellbeing: A Trauma-Informed Approach

Trauma-informed approaches have been used in health care environments for decades to support effective patient care. More recently, researchers and practitioners are understanding the benefits of applying a trauma-informed approach to support a healthy workforce. Participants will learn the principles of a trauma informed approach to workforce improvement and be introduced to research that explains the impact on relationship building and team functioning. Participants will also have an opportunity to think through ways to apply these approaches to their work settings.

Facilitated by: Leigh-Anne Royster, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Strategy and Education Development

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Interrupting Racial Inequity Part I:  Foundational Concepts; Intrapersonal Exploration

This session will cover foundational principles of racial inequity as they show up in the characteristics of a culture (it will not explore the development and/or activity of hate groups). Participants will learn from examples of how interrupting racial inequity operates in general, as well as how individuals are socialized around principles of interrupting racial inequity. Participants will utilize activities to think about ways to disrupt racial inequity and shift towards deeper introspection that builds empathy and understanding.

Facilitated by: Leigh-Anne Royster, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Strategy and Education Development & Elizabeth Jones, Ph.D., Director for Education and Outreach

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Interrupting Racial Inequity Part II: Impact on Relationships, Workplace Interactions, and the Community

This session will utilize the foundational principles of interrupting racial inequity taught in session I. (It will not explore the development and/or activity of hate groups). Participants will learn from examples of how interrupting racial inequity operates in general, as well as how it is enacted specifically within workplaces. Participants will utilize activities to think about ways to disrupt racial inequity and shift towards deeper inclusion that helps build equity throughout the workplace. Part I of this educational session is required for attending Part II.

Facilitated by: Leigh-Anne Royster, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Strategy and Education Development & Elizabeth Jones, Ph.D., Director for Education and Outreach

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Organizational wellness series

This 3-part series will focus on strategic planning and change management processes for units and teams. During the three meetings, teams will engage in a planning process to implement culture change and/or address concerns related to workplace culture, interaction and development. Teams will leave with a mini-action plan for initiating the “foundational” or “next step” components of culture change initiatives.

Coming in Fall 2025. For more information about this series, please contact Leigh-Anne Royster, Ph.D. at

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Supervisor series

This 3-part series will focus on developing new supervisors and deepening culturally responsive practices for those who have been supervising or are tasked with managing teams/committees. Participants will engage a number of assessments and models in order to more fully understand their leadership capacity, approach and growth opportunities. Participants will leave with a goal setting document to address supervisory challenges and maximize strengths and resources.

Coming in Fall 2025. For more information about this series, please contact contact Leigh-Anne Royster, Ph.D. at

Note on the online registration form: Microsoft may ask you to sign in to access the form. Please use your alphanumeric email (not an alias like and log in using your Duke credentials. The form will recognize you as a Duke employee or student and it will give you the option to receive a receipt of your submission, which will go to your Duke email inbox.

Registrants will receive additional information about the location, including parking, prior to the session. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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Additional Educational Topics

The Office for Institutional Equity has designed educational topics to help build and maintain an inclusive and welcoming environment at Duke.

Explore All of Our Educational Topics