Addressing Health-Related Social Needs at Scale in Medicaid: The Past, Present, and Future of North Carolina’s Healthy Opportunities Pilots

Many consider the Healthy Opportunities Pilots to be the nation's most expansive Medicaid program to address health-related social needs related to food, housing, transportation, interpersonal safety, and toxic stress. The Pilots program identifies individuals with unmet social needs and connects those individuals to community-based organizations to directly address those needs in 33 of North Carolina's 100 counties.
Duke-Margolis and the North Carolina Institute of Medicine will host a webinar to discuss the lessons learned during the first two years of implementation as well as the future of the program. The discussion is meant to inform not just North Carolina audiences but also those in other states looking to address health-related social needs at scale.
All are welcome to attend.
Civic Engagement/Social Action, Health/Wellness, Lecture/Talk, Medicine, Panel/Seminar/Colloquium, Research