The Duke Title IX Statement applies to both Duke University and Duke Health and is maintained and reviewed by Duke’s Office for Institutional Equity. Last reviewed: 8/5/2022.
Pursuant to Title IX: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance…”, Title IX Education Amendments of 1972, 20 USC 1681 et seq.
Title IX and its implementing regulations prohibit sex discrimination in education programs or activities receiving federal funds. Some of these programs and activities include: admissions, recruitment, financial aid, academic programs, athletics, housing and employment. Title IX also protects students and employees from unlawful sexual harassment, including sexual violence. Title IX protects both men and women from sexual harassment, regardless of who is the harasser.
Duke, as a recipient of federal funds, has an obligation to operate in a nondiscriminatory manner. More important is Duke’s own mandate of equal opportunity, inclusiveness and nondiscrimination in work and learning. The Office for Institutional Equity supports Duke in its compliance and enforcement efforts by serving as an integral resource for Title IX issues. The Office for Institutional Equity partners with all departments and offices to assist in their Title IX compliance efforts.
The Office for Institutional Equity also provides assistance by serving as an entry point for many Title IX complaints of discrimination, including sex-based harassment, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct, including sexual violence. The objective in the complaint handling process is to resolve the complaint as quickly as possible and in a fair and appropriate manner. Important components of the process include ascertaining the basis for the complaint and examining strategies or tools for its resolution. The complaint handling process may include an inquiry as to whether an objective, factual basis exists to support the allegation.
Complaints or concerns related to Title IX can be directed to:
Cynthia Clinton
Assistant Vice President for Harassment & Discrimination Prevention and Compliance/ Title IX Coordinator
Office for Institutional Equity Smith Warehouse, Bay 8 Box 90012
Durham, NC 27708
One of OIE’s principal objectives under Title IX, Title VII (prohibiting discrimination based on sex and other bases in employment), and Duke’s policies is preventing and responding to instances of sexual misconduct, including sexual violence, in order to create and maintain a welcoming learning and working environment. It is our responsibility to ensure compliance with federal law by demonstrating that our programs are operated in a manner consistent with Title VII and Title IX regulations and provisions, as well as the Violence Against Women Act. Cynthia Clinton is the Title IX Coordinator at Duke University and Duke University Health System. In this capacity, Ms. Clinton is responsible for the administration and coordination of Duke's Title IX-related policies, programs, and compliance efforts. The scope of this responsibility includes, among other things, oversight of complaint resolution, resources, communications, and training in connection with federal prohibitions of discrimination based upon sex or gender, including sexual harassment and sexual violence. Contact Cynthia Clinton by email at or call 919-684-8222.
At the federal level, Title IX is primarily enforced by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education. This federal office is responsible for ensuring that educational institutions receiving federal funds comply with Title IX. The primary OCR enforcement activity is the investigation and resolution of complaints filed by people alleging discrimination prohibited by Title IX or one of the other laws enforced by OCR. OCR may also self-initiate reviews of selected educational institutions. Through these reviews, OCR can identify and remedy discrimination which may not be addressed through complaints.