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Statement from Vice President Kimberly Hewitt on Derek Chauvin Conviction in George Floyd Case

As we breathe a collective sigh of relief, shed tears and say prayers of thanks upon the conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, we recognize that the work towards racial justice continues. It has been a painful and difficult year, but it has also been a time of growth. More members of our community than ever are actively engaged in the work of racial justice, equity and diversity. Out of the darkness we look for some light and find that despite the feeling that progress is slow, we know that change is possible. The Office for Institutional Equity (OIE) is here to support the members of our Duke community. If you would like help with training/education, advice on inclusive hiring and retention practices or have experienced discrimination or harassment please feel free to visit our website or call us directly at 919-684-8222 for support. — April 20, 2021