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Cumulative Impacts and Authentic Community Partnerships


Surabhi Shah, US EPA

Some of the most distressed communities in the country, and around the world, experience multiple and cumulative impacts - the combined effects of various stressors on health and well-being over time. These stressors include factors in the natural, social and built environment, such as pollution from air, water, and land. These same communities face systemic barriers that limit access to resources to address these challenges. I will discuss how a whole of government, multi-stakeholder approach is being used to address critical societal problems surfaced in these efforts. I will also discuss the use of quantitative and qualitative data to inform decision-making, and the vital role of authentic community partnerships and community-owned knowledge in the success and sustainability of this work. I will reference the Urban Waters Federal Partnership as one example of this approach. This seminar will be held in Love Auditorium (room B101), Levine Science Research Center. Attendance is free and open to all.


Civic Engagement/Social Action, Health/Wellness, Lecture/Talk, Natural Sciences, Panel/Seminar/Colloquium, Research