Duke upholds all federal laws prohibiting discrimination, including Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, a federal law that requires all entities receiving federal government funds and financial assistance to prohibit sex discrimination in their programs and activities. This comprehensive law prohibits sexual harassment and sexual violence; wage discrimination; termination, discrimination, or failure to promote or admit based on pregnancy; and discrimination in athletic opportunities.
What Is Sexual Misconduct?
Sexual misconduct refers to sexual- or gender-based harassment, sexual or gender violence, sexual exploitation, relationship violence (domestic violence and dating violence), and sex- or gender-based stalking.
What Is Title IX?
Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in both educational programs and employment. It applies to all aspects of employment and education programs and activities at Duke University.
Under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex includes sexual harassment which is defined as conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:
- Quid pro quo: An employee of Duke conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of the institution on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct.
- Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the school’s education program or activity.
- Sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking as defined in other federal laws (Clery Act and VAWA).
In addition, Title IX covers reports when:
- The conduct is alleged to have been perpetrated against a person in the United States;
- The conduct is alleged to have taken place within the University’s programs and activities; and
- At the time of the filing or signing of the Formal Complaint, the Complainant is participating in or attempting to participate in the University’s programs or activities.
Title IX also prohibits discrimination based on sex or gender in other ways:
- In academic courses and programs, including but not limited to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)
- Related to pregnancy or parenthood
- In grading, classroom assignments, and housing
- In athletics
What is Duke's Policy on Sexual Misconduct?
Duke’s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct (PPDHRM) addresses sexual misconduct by students (undergraduate, graduate and professional), faculty, staff and visitors. In addition to Title IX and other forms of sexual misconduct, the PPDHRM addresses discrimination and harassment based on age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and veteran status.
Duke is proactive in its efforts to address and reduce instances of sexual misconduct, including sexual violence, in order to create and maintain a welcoming learning and working environment. It’s our responsibility to ensure compliance with federal law by demonstrating that our programs are operated in a manner consistent with Title VII and Title IX regulations and provisions, as well as the Violence Against Women Act.
Individuals are encouraged to report allegations of Title IX Sexual Harassment to OIE. Someone from OIE will contact the complainant to offer supportive measures, and to identify the appropriate action to respond to the report.
To report an incident, or for questions concerning Title IX, sexual misconduct, or the Policy, individuals are encouraged to contact the following individuals, or email oie-help@duke.edu:
For Complaints Concerning Employees, including Faculty
Cynthia Clinton, Assistant Vice President,
Harassment and Discrimination Prevention and Compliance
Title IX Coordinator
Smith Warehouse, Bay 8, 1st Floor
919-668-6214 | Email Cynthia Clinton
For Complaints Concerning Students
Adrienne Allison, Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students
Equal Opportunity Compliance Investigator
Smith Warehouse, Bay 8, 1st Floor
Email Adrienne Allison
Reporting an Incident
Use the confidential online Incident Reporting tool to provide OIE with preliminary information concerning incidents of protected status harassment, discrimination and related misconduct involving students, faculty, or staff. OIE will respond to all submissions regardless of the nature of the report, and will forward it to the office responsible for addressing it, as appropriate. Though the form may be submitted anonymously, Duke University cannot provide supportive measures (such as academic accommodations, no-contact orders, safe housing options, changes of work schedules) with anonymous submissions. In addition, anonymous reports may also impact the University's ability to investigate and/or take disciplinary action.
Need Help?
Individuals are encouraged to report allegations of Title IX Sexual Harassment to OIE. Someone from OIE will contact the complainant to offer supportive measures, and to identify the appropriate action to respond to the report. Learn about available resources below or download a helpful flyer.

Confidential Resources
Confidential resources will not share information about a report without the individual’s express written permission unless there is a continuing threat of serious harm to the Complainant or to others or there is a legal obligation to reveal such information (e.g., suspected abuse or neglect of a minor). These individuals can also help an individual make a report to the University.
- Student Health: 919-681-9355
- Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS for students): 919-660-1000
- Gender Violence Prevention and Intervention: 984-569-0592 | GVICoordinator@duke.edu | Students will be contacted within 24 hours, or sooner if necessary.
- Personal Assistance Service (PAS): 919-416-1727 (employees) | 800-327-2251 (out-of-state employees)
- Durham Crisis Response Center (DCRC): 919-403-6562 (24 Hour English Helpline) | 919-519-3735 (Linea de Ayuda de 24 horas en Español)
- Office of the Ombuds: 919-864-1032 (All Faculty & Staff) | 919-503-0917 (students excluding med school) | 919-668-3326 (med students & postdocs)
Non-Confidential Reporting Options
If you report concerns to a Non-Confidential Reporting Option, someone will reach out to you to provide information regarding resources, support, and how to file a complaint. You are not required to respond. You do not need to file a complaint to receive support.
- Office for Institutional Equity (OIE): 919-684-8222 | oie-help@duke.edu
- Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards: 919-684-6938
- Staff and Labor Relations: 919-684-2808
- Duke University Speak Up Reporting: 800-826-8109
- Handles concerns ranging from criminal activity, harassment, suspected fraud, compliance violations, research misconduct or other violations of Duke’s Statement on Values and Culture, the institutional Code of Conduct or Duke Health’s statement on Integrity in Action
- Duke University Police Department: 919-684-2444 | Emergency: 911
What Happens Next?
If you report concerns to a Non-Confidential Reporting Option, someone will reach out to you to provide information regarding resources, support, and how to file a complaint. You are not required to respond. You do not need to file a complaint to receive support.
A Confidential Resource will not share any information you disclose to the Office for Institutional Equity.
Victim Assistance Information
The Duke University Police Department treats all crime victims with dignity, compassion and respect. We work to make sure all crime victims get the assistance and information they need, and we are committed to doing our best to help you. The experience of being a victim of crime is different for each person. It may involve physical injury, emotional turmoil or financial loss.